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The Astra 2F satellite replaces the Astra 2D satellite
co-positioned at 28.2° east. Astra 1N has temporarily replaced Astra 2D until the launch of Astra 2F on September 21, 2012. Astra 2F is expected to be operational by the end of November 2012.
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How will these changes affect Sky HD or Freesat reception in France?

If you live within the North of France and the Lyon area then your viewing will not be affected and you will continue to receive all the services you currently have.
For viewers down in the South of France and Spain reception on certain channels may change or be lost after all the new ASTRA2F satellite is operational in november 2012.

At this time there are no answers and no guarentees of future reception.
the new Astra 2F satellite is the same type as Astra 1N and if it will have similar spotbeams, only time will tell. All frequencies from Astra 2D have been currently transfered to Astra 1N.

Astra 2F UK Spot beam

astra 2F footprint